Impressions simfòniques

Juli Garreta ( 1875 - 1925 )
Impressions simfòniques
Price: 12.04 € 6.02 €
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TD00086 Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya - Miquel Ortega. dir
Joan Gay i Puigbert - Joaquim Rabaseda i Matas
The Catalan composer Juli Garreta has been well by the composition of sardanas, but his orchestral work has to be attended. Illes Medes was premiered in 1923 in Palau de la Música Catalana eith Pau Casals as conductor. Although there isn’t a programmatic work, ther is a poetic inspiration to describe a particular time in a landscape. Impressions simfòniques is the composer’s first orchestral work. The score of this work remained unpublished for over a century (the first edition was published by Tritó), despite it being premiered in 1907. Joaquim Rabaseda and Joan Gay , that both recovered and edited the score and the notes of this album, tell us that Juli Garreta was known in his time as the "Wagner of the Sardana." The performance by the OBC (Symphony Orchestra of Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya) hand Miquel Ortega as conductor, contribute to make this CD a specially recommended for lovers of symphonic music.


  1. Jeremy Holmes 30th November 0001

    I recently used to order a lovely CD of music by the Catalan composer Juli Garreta (Impressions simfoniques) and the service was excellent - v fast and reasonably priced. I would certainly recommend them and will be checking out the CDs you mention!

  2. Malcolm 30th November 0001

    Muchas gracias for sending my CD order so quickly. I wanted to tell you that all the music was wonderful; brilliantly played and recorded. Thank you Trito for the recordings of the Garreta compositions. What a shame that in the UK this music, as well as the glorious symphonies of Breton, are unknown.


  1. Juan Carlos Moreno, RITMO 28th May 2013

    Las buenas interpretaciones redondean un trabajo ejemplar en favor del patrimonio musical.

  2. Ivan March, GRAMOPHONE 1st August 2012

    "Remarkably individual, delicately easely on the ear ans unexpectedly 'un-Spanish'"... "This a sea vista of a high order, which becomes more haunting as it becomes really familiar, and this beautifully played and recorded disc is increasingly rewarding"

  3. Andrés Ruíz Tarazona, DIVERDI 1st March 2012

    "... el sello TRITÓ lanza un disco de enorme interés dedicado íntegramente a dos obras de Juli Garreta [...]Ha sido un acierto inmenso recuperar estas dos piezas ignoradas de Garreta [...] La versión de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Bracelona y Nacional de Cataluña, bajo la batuta dle experto maestro, Miquel Ortega, ayuda a percibir a Garreta como el gran compositor que fue."

  4. Jaume Comellas, REVISTA MUSICAL CATALANA 30th November 0001

    "Tenir l'idea de rescatar de l'oblit obra simfònica de juli Garreta constitueix una demostració de sensibilitat i criteri, escassos en la nostra indústria musical"

  5. Josep Pascual, LA PORTA CLÀSSICA 30th November 0001

    Cal esperar que aquest CD no passi inadvertit i que sigui objecte del reconeixement que mereix.

  6. Javier Pérez Senz - SCHERZO 30th November 0001

    Les illes medes, estrenado por Pau Casals en 1923, es una pieza maestra, en plena sintonía con el refinamiento straussiano que marcó su época.

  7. RITMO - Juan Carlos Moreno 30th November 0001

    Las islas Medas de Juli Garreta, un hermoso poema sinfónico de resonancias germánicas.

  8. DIVERDI - marzo 2012 22nd March 2017
    See review
  9. GRAMOPHONE - agosto 2012 22nd March 2017
    See review
  10. LA PORTA CLASSICA -julio 2012 22nd March 2017
    See review
  11. RITMO - mayo 2013 22nd March 2017
    See review
  12. CATCLASSICS - julio 2013 22nd March 2017
    See review
  13. SERRA DOR - junio 2013 22nd March 2017
    See review