Música d’orgue a Catalunya  s. XX i XXI
Price: 12.04 € 6.02 €
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TD00088 Juan de la Rubia, orgue
This recording offers a broad and representative overview of two generations of composers deeply marked by the trauma of the Spanish Civil War and its most immediate consequences. Furthermore, it includes a sample of the work by each of them from a genre relatively untouched in recent times, organ music, which was particularly affected by the conflagration of war û the destruction, in many cases completely irreversible, of an important part of the instrumental heritage, which in Catalonia happened mainly in the months leading up the war and in the following two years. On the other hand, while the cultivation of this genre by the composers chosen for this recording is completely unrelated to any religious sentiment, at the very least it is closely linked to a particular institution or intended to offer a new repertoire for liturgical use.


  1. Albert Flamarich - CAT CLASSICS 15th March 2012

    "...Es tracta d’un disc de gran interès per a dibuixar una història de l’orgue hispànic i català, al que l’organista valencià Juan de la Rubia aporta la seva bona tècnica, la varietat de registres i un excel·lent so fins i tot en els moments en què els discurs és més aspre i obscur..."

  2. Josep Barcons Palau, REVISTA MUSICAL CATALANA 30th November 0001

    "El gust en la registració, el fraseig i l'aprofitament de les resonàncies amara tot el CD... Tant de bo que aviat calgui afegir un cinquè volum a la col·lecció...""

  3. CATCLASSICS marzo 2012 22nd March 2017
    See review