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Showcase, new CD "Música Española en el Exilio"

As Vargas Llosa mentions in the prologue of the CD:Música española en el exilio (Spanish Music in Exile) is a compilation of the work of a group of exiled composers who belonged to the Generation of '27, and also of musicians who were forced to pursue their careers under a dictatorship. In many ways this album also records the concerns and decisions that made them great musicians capable of reflecting their time and circumstances”.

The works selected for this CD, whose common ground is the clarinet, acquaint us with several of the leading lights of a younger generation that concurred in aesthetic and ideological terms with poets such as García Lorca and Rafael Alberti.

All of them are pieces of extraordinary quality, that almost fell into oblivion due to the historical circumstance in Spain: the post-war period and its disastrous consequences for the cultural and artistic life of the country.

The hallmark of the group of composers who appear on this CD, besides belonging to the same generation, is the fact of being very active professionally in Spain during the Second Republic and the Civil War, times of substantial changes in Spanish musical life and aesthetics. All of them except Menéndez went into exile.

Works by Julián Bautista, Robert Gerhard, Julián Menéndez, Rodolfo Halffter and Jesús Bal y Gay

March 10th, Centre Cultural La Beneficència - Cultura Diputació de València en Valencia

TD00110: Música Española en el Exilio
