Mestres Catalans Antics vol.II: "Aquel buen pastor. Sarsuela per a 3 veus i instruments"

Tomàs Milans ( 1672 - 1742 )
Price: 17.00 €
Musicological reviser
Jordi Ribell
AM05011 S.A.T.-S.T-2v.vadg.bc
The purpose of this new collection, Early Catalan Masters, is to contribute to the work of recovering the documentary musical heritage (in the form of scores) of Catalonia, a heritage that even in the twenty-first century remains largely neglected, forgotten or ignored in the documentary archives. Catalonia is one of the few European regions where the rich heritage of its music archives remains unexplored, a treasure that has survived despite the numerous armed conflicts endured over the last four centuries. The music archive of the parish of St Peter and St Paul in Canet de Mar is, without exaggeration, one of the richest and most valuable in Catalonia, especially as regards music from the Baroque and early Classical periods (the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries). In this respect it is only surpassed by the great national archives such as the National Library of Catalonia and the archives of the Abbey of Montserrat and the Orfeó Català in Barcelona. Today, now that the archive has been catalogued and digitized, this phase of conservation can be left behind and the process of the exploration and dissemination of the riches it contains can begin. Hopefully, after three centuries, the edition and publication of scores like this one will provide a means and encouragement for the performance of this heritage, which is when the music fully reveals itself.


  1. Teresa Márquez - PUNT AVUI 30th November 0001

    Canet de Mar recupera el llegat del mestre de la capella del Palau de la Comtessa, Tomàs Milans, artífex d'un dels fons més importants que es conserven del barroc musical hispànic dels segles XVII i XVIII

Entrevista realitzada al Bernat Cabré, cap de Producció e Tritó