Manuel García Morante

Barcelona ( 1937 )
Manuel García Morante
Manuel Garcia Morante, composer and pianist, was born in 1937 in Barcelona, where he studied at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu, later furthering his studies in Paris. He worked on his vocal repertoire with his wife, the mezzo-soprano Myriam Alió, who did the first performance of his harmonizations of traditional Catalan songs and recorded a CD of Sephardic songs.

For many years he toured the world with Victòria dels Àngels, Carmen Bustamante and Conxita Badia.
Since 1979, he has focused on composition. He has composed five operas: El príncep i el paradís, Violeta, Las hijas de Bernarda Alba, María Estuardo and Orfeo i Eurídice, in addition to 554 lieder, of which 243 are harmonizations of traditional Catalan, Asturian, Sephardic, Mallorcan, Andalusian, Japanese, Cantabrian and Irish songs. His catalogue also includes numerous works for piano and for guitar, symphonic works, cantatas, masses, chamber music and choral music.  
He has taught vocal repertoire at the Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona and the Liceu Conservatory.

On the occasion of its 700th anniversary, the University of Lleida, along with the Tritó publishing house, commissioned him to edit and revise Enric Granados’ works for voice and piano.


Manuel García Morante

For Chamber ensembles

76 Traditional Catalan SongsSoloist and Piano
Love story among a flute and a bass drumMixed Ensemble (6 or more instruments)
Interludi for chamber ensembleMixed Ensemble (6 or more instruments)
La Llorona, for voice and pianoSoloist and Piano
El cant dels ocellsSoloist and Piano
El marinerSoloist and Piano
La Verge s’està en cambretaSoloist and Piano
El petit vailetSoloist and Piano
Els segadorsSoloist and Piano
La filadoraSoloist and Piano
El Noi de la MareSoloist and Piano
El testament d’AmèliaSoloist and Piano
Fum fum fumSoloist and Piano
El pardalSoloist and Piano
El carbonerSoloist and Piano
El rossinyolSoloist and Piano
La polla blancaSoloist and Piano
La malcasadaSoloist and Piano
L’hereu RieraSoloist and Piano
El dimoni escuatSoloist and Piano
Caterina d’AlióSoloist and Piano
MargaridetaSoloist and Piano
Salutació al SolSoloist and Piano
El fill del reiSoloist and Piano
Els pobres traginersSoloist and Piano
Cant de la Sibil·laSoloist and Piano
Sant Ramon de PenyafortSoloist and Piano
Adéu donzelletSoloist and Piano
La mort de la núviaSoloist and Piano
La pastoretaSoloist and Piano
BlancaflorSoloist and Piano
L’EspingariSoloist and Piano
MariagnetaSoloist and Piano
El rabadàSoloist and Piano
Muntanyes del CanigóSoloist and Piano
La Mare de DéuSoloist and Piano
Cançó de picar molesSoloist and Piano
La vetlla dels pastorsSoloist and Piano
El bon caçadorSoloist and Piano
Gràcies a Déu dels segadorsSoloist and Piano
La dama d’AragóSoloist and Piano
La gata i el belitreSoloist and Piano
IsabelSoloist and Piano
Els tres tamborsSoloist and Piano
Josep i Maria van a passejarSoloist and Piano
Lo comte ArnauSoloist and Piano
Presents de bodaSoloist and Piano
Cançó de pegaireSoloist and Piano
La presó de LleidaSoloist and Piano
El mestreSoloist and Piano
Donzelleta agraciadaSoloist and Piano
La filla del CarmesíSoloist and Piano
La mort i la donzellaSoloist and Piano
Matinet m’en llevo joSoloist and Piano
El ganivet de dos tallsSoloist and Piano
La quadrillaSoloist and Piano
La dama de ReusSoloist and Piano
Cançó del lladreSoloist and Piano
Nit de vetllaSoloist and Piano
L’AlabauSoloist and Piano
La calma de la marSoloist and Piano
La filla del marxantSoloist and Piano
L’AngeletaSoloist and Piano
Enemic de les donesSoloist and Piano
Muntanyes regaladesSoloist and Piano
L’enamorada del traginerSoloist and Piano
L’escombriaire i la noia de GuissonaSoloist and Piano
L’estudiant de VicSoloist and Piano
Bach de RodaSoloist and Piano
El desembre congelatSoloist and Piano
Els fadrins de Sant BoiSoloist and Piano
Nines que aneu a l’aiguaSoloist and Piano
La RaimundetaSoloist and Piano
La calàndriaSoloist and Piano
Ai, minyons que aneu pel mónSoloist and Piano
Els estudiants de TolosaSoloist and Piano
La ploma de perdiuSoloist and Piano
L’hostal de la PeiraSoloist and Piano
La muller del gavatxotSoloist and Piano
Els ballaires dins d’un sacSoloist and Piano

For Orchestra

Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra

Solo Instrument

Cuatro años de amorVocal / Choir
Adío queridaVocal / Choir
Para qué quero yo más bivirVocal / Choir
Don AmadíVocal / Choir
En la marVocal / Choir
Esta montaña d’enfrenteVocal / Choir
La rosa enfloreceVocal / Choir
Lavava y suspiravaPiano and Keyboard
A la una nací yoPiano and Keyboard
Aquel condeVocal / Choir
Tres hijas tiene’l buen reyVocal / Choir
Nacimento de MoxéVocal / Choir
No vo comer ni vo beberVocal / Choir
Durme, durmeVocal / Choir
De las altas maresVocal / Choir
Durme, durme hermozo hijicoVocal / Choir
Paxarico tú te llamasVocal / Choir
Yo bolíVocal / Choir
Por que llorax blanca niñaVocal / Choir
Ya viene el cativoVocal / Choir
Una pastora yo amíVocal / Choir
Secretos quero descuvrirVocal / Choir
Descanso de mi vidaVocal / Choir
Yo me levantara un lunesVocal / Choir
Morena me llamanVocal / Choir
Siete hijos tiene HanáVocal / Choir
Yo m’enamorí d’un aire (versió II)Vocal / Choir
Yo m’enamorí d’un aire (versió I)Vocal / Choir
Mi suegra la negraVocal / Choir
Caminí por altas torresVocal / Choir
Ya salió de la mar la galanaVoice Solo
Pregoneros van y vienenPiano and Keyboard
Noches, noches, buenas nochesPiano and Keyboard
Nani, naniPiano and Keyboard
Una tadre fresquita de MayoVocal / Choir
Avrix mi galanicaVocal / Choir
Una matica de rudaVocal / Choir
Ven queridaVocal / Choir
Hija mía, mi queridaVocal / Choir
Cuando el rey NimrodVocal / Choir
Sonata núm. 2Guitar
Cançons de NadalPiano
12 nadales tradicionals catalanesVoice Solo


40 Traditional Basque Folk Songs

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Manuel García Morante
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Collection Música Breu

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Sonata No.2

Sonata No.2

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