Priez pou paix. Padre Donostia. Música sacra a capella

José Gonzalo Zulaica y Arregui (Padre Donostia) Donostia
Priez pou paix. Padre Donostia. Música sacra a capella
Price: 21.72 €
DD01250 NB
This album offers a selection of works for mixed choir a capella, in the tradition of the motet, written by Donostia between 1937 and 1955. Liturgical style, the inspiration for this corpus ranges between Marian and Latin themes (Virgo Mater Dei), the medieval tradition (Tanto son da Groriosa ) and their own experiences (as Priez pour Paix, personal response to the Second World War). Donostia emotional compositions, mostly unpublished until recently, whose spiritual sense is fully subscribed by Kup Taldea and Gabriel Baltes.