DT00763 S Bar solo 1/pic010 - 1000 - Perc - archi - live electronics
ballpoint bong.2 conga.vib.sus cym.tom.toy hn.low piano string.tam.spring coils.slide fl.spiral cym.templeblks.glocks.metal guiro.thunder.chains.broken crystal.vibrant glass.woodblk.rain tree.2 anvil.2 ratchet (sm,lg).2 timp w/sus
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65 Minutes
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Hypermusic Prologue is fruit of a unique partnership between science, music and the plastic arts. In the company of Lisa Randall, the plastic artist Matthew Ritchie and the stage director Paul Desveaux, we explore the historical form of opera to create a new type of dramatic expression suited to the 21st century. Lisa Randall’s libretto introduces a composer-scientist torn between the love she feels for her partner and her passion for knowledge, guided by her conviction that there is a much larger world waiting to be explored.

2. Plane II - A wonderful place!

3. Plane III - This step - a new dimension

4. Plane IV - The pathway opens

5. Plane IV - Why disrupt this harmony?!

6. Plane IV - You are gone

7. Plane IV - The soft cozy edge

8. Plane IV - I will describe this strange landscape

9. Plane IV - The language of the 5th dimension

10. Plane IV - Microscopico, flamboyant

11. Plane V - This pull, this tug

12. Plane V - Electronic interlude

13. Plane V - Scuro/As I travel away

14. Plane VI - How to open up your world?

15. Plane VII - Discordant phenomena