Quartet of string nº 2

Benet Casablancas ( 1956 )
DT00401 archi 4t
Benet Casablancas
16 Minutes
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The composer wrote the second of his string quartets in August 1991, as a commission for the XII Granollers International Music Festival. The premiere, after a preview in Sabadell, was entrusted to the Euridice Quartet from Amsterdam, and took place at the Museum of Granollers, near Barcelona, on 17 November of the same year. This work, which followed the Five interludes written during the composer’s stay in Vienna in 1982-1983, was a return to a genre that he particularly admires. It entails a change of scale that gives the piece greater formal and expressive ambition, while its language, without abandoning the rigour of motivic logic, becomes more ductile and its timbre more colourful.

1. Quartet de corda nº2