Cuaderno para los niños

David del Puerto ( 1964 )
Price: 12.88 €
DT00262 pf solo
20 Minutes
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Over the last few decades we composers have not busied ourselves too often in writing music for students learning an instrument. For years now, "Contemporary Music" has been synonymous with music that is extremely difficult to play, which hasn’t exactly helped young people familiarize themselves with the sounds of their time. However, times are changing at a rapid pace, and my generation is once again capable of writing music in a less demanding manner, which has led us to reconsider composing music that students can actually enjoy playing. On top of that, of course, there is the interest and impetus of the interpreters themselves who are motivated by the fact that their young pupils are encouraged to approach today’s music rather than see it as an insurmountable obstacle. In my case, great pianists - and dear friends - such as Ananda Sukarlan, with whom I had quite a few chats about the matter, or Alberto Rosado, urged me to commence the task of composing this Notebook consisting of small pieces that can be easily played, though not all are by any means elementary, as some of them can be considered rather difficult, but all were composed to be played by young beginning students (although I hope that professional pianists might also find the collection worthy of their attention). [...] Each of these miniatures, nine in all, is dedicated to a different child. My friends’ children, my niece, and, naturally, my own son, all of whom I hope won’t be too bored by my music, are to be the recipients and hearers of this small universe that in only 18 minutes presents a boisterous group of minor pieces.
David del Puerto, February 2006
1. Rayo de sol en la ventana
2. Viaje con escalas
3. Mañana de invierno con patos salvajes
4. Aria y double
5. Welcome
6. Humores
7. Playtime for two
8. Tanz mit Carolin
9. íA dormir!

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

Sample 5

Sample 6

Sample 7

Sample 8

Sample 9