Xavier Montsalvatge: Petita Suite Burlesca

Xavier Montsalvatge ( 1912 - 2002 )
Xavier Montsalvatge: Petita Suite Burlesca
Price: 12.04 € 6.02 €
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Ensemble Orquestra de Cadaqués, Jaime Martín


The Petita suite burlesca, for violin and woodwind quartet, is a piece of compelling rhythmic vigour and elegant simplicity. The Folia daliniana, commissioned for the Cadaqués Festival, brilliantly exemplifies the long artistic relationship enjoyed by Montsalvatge and the Cadaqués Orchestra. It saw the light in 1996 during the composer’s final creative period and the fatigue and the infirmities of old age are exorcised by a creative spirit still replete with fantasy and communicative power. There are two versions of the score. The first, a sinfonietta concertante for a quartet of woodwind soloists, string orchestra and percussion and another version-that is included in this CD- for piano and woodwind quartet. The language of the Folia daliniana exhibits those Caribbean echoes that were a constant in his music, and the use of all types of resources in a style with a strong personality. The Cinco Invocaciones al Crucificado (Five Invocations to the Crucified Christ), for voice and an instrumental ensemble made up of twelve soloists, were fruit of a commission for the VIII Religious Music Week in Cuenca. Tres reflexos sobre una pastoral d’hivern (Three reflections on a winter pastoral) is a posthumous work whose orchestration was completed to great effect and with ample inspiration by the Catalan composer and pianist Albert Guinovart. It was premiered by the aforesaid dedicatees at the National Auditorium of Andorra on 5 June 2003. This is expressive, intensely lyrical music of great beauty. By way of a conclusion to Montsalvatge’s oeuvre, it is a striking expression of the spiritual force that animates the language of a composer who combined the most varied resources and techniques of his time without ever relinquishing his freedom as a creator, which is precisely the quality that makes his music even greater.


  1. Albert Ferrer Flamarrich - CATCLÀSSICS 30th November 0001

    "En conjunt, hi ha un idiomatisme basat en l’eficàcia dels matisos expressius i la bona articulació en l’entramat dels solistes en obres com la Petita Suite Burlesca[...] Cal remarcar-ne la continuïtat dialèctica a l’ Intermedi espanyol i l’atmosfera raveliana de l’ Égloga. Unes qualitats també presents en Tres reflexos sobre una postal: de l’Andantino violeta la transparència polifònica, de l’ Alegreto blanc per la depuració i afinació o de l’Spiritoso carmesí per la nitidesa dels trèmolos i la riquesa de textura i l’impuls bartokià. La tercera obra inclosa és la Folia daliniana -bona construcció i legato- reeditada i pertanyent a la referència TD00003

  2. Albert Ferrer Flamarich - CODALARIO 30th November 0001

    En conjunto, hay un idiomatismo basado en la eficacia de los matices expresivos y la buena articulación en el entramado de los solistas en obras como la Petita Suite Burlesca

  3. SCHERZO - Germán Gan Quesada 30th November 0001

    La vitalidad rítmica y audacia armónica, el agridulce melodismo y los ecos populares, la transfiguración irónica de ritmos de danza modernos en el "Intermedi espanyol" y el rigor constructivo, no exento de un punto de humor, lucen en una composición que revela la atenta lectura de Stravinski a través del Grupo de los Six.

  4. CATCALSSICS - noviembre 2013 22nd March 2017
    See review
  5. SCHERZO - febrero 2014 22nd March 2017
    See review