Preu: 12,10 € 6,05 €
T'estalvies 6,05 €
T'estalvies 6,05 €
- Gènere: Vocal, Cambra
- Època: Música Medieval, Música del Renaixement
- Format: CD
Volez vous que je vous chant
Would you have me sing for you by Anonymous
Les oxelés de mon pa´x
The birds from my native land by Gace Brulé
Ce fu en mai
Once in the month of May by Moniot d’Arras
Ausi conme unicorne sui
Like the unicorn, I am lost in wonder by Thibaut de Champagne
Deus est ensi conme li pellicanz
The Lord is like the pelican by Thibaut de Champagne
En mai, quant li rossignolez
In May, when nightingales sing clear by Colin Muset
A la douçor de la bele seson
In the fragrance of the new season by Gace Brulé
Quant voi la flor nouvele
When I see fresh blooms appear by Anonymous
Would you have me sing for you by Anonymous
Les oxelés de mon pa´x
The birds from my native land by Gace Brulé
Ce fu en mai
Once in the month of May by Moniot d’Arras
Ausi conme unicorne sui
Like the unicorn, I am lost in wonder by Thibaut de Champagne
Deus est ensi conme li pellicanz
The Lord is like the pelican by Thibaut de Champagne
En mai, quant li rossignolez
In May, when nightingales sing clear by Colin Muset
A la douçor de la bele seson
In the fragrance of the new season by Gace Brulé
Quant voi la flor nouvele
When I see fresh blooms appear by Anonymous