DT00151 pf solo
Ricardo Martínez Descalzo
30 Minutes
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Tritó has just published 24 interludes for piano by Jesús Rueda. This is a collection of short pieces written between 1995 and 2003 in which the composer demonstrates in diary form his partiularitie of language and thought in a schematic manner, as if in a notebook; "little ideas barely developed, like the painter’s sketchbook before a taking on a larger format", in the words of the author. The last four pieces in this collection are obligatory works for the Jacinto e Inocencio Guerrero Foundation Piano Competition which will be held in Madrid in June.



3. Retrato


5. Corrente

6. Dibujo

7. Canción de cuna

8. Campo de estrellas

9. El segundo adiós

10. Chopin

11. Seikilos

12. Niebla

13. Notturno in Bali

14. Corale

15. Fuego en tu mirada

16. Registros separados

17. Visión

18. Erótica

19. Veloce

20. Berceuse

21. Deslizamientos

22. Omaggio

23. Sospeso

24. Toccata